Summer Pre-School Camp
This camp is for students ages 3-5 who are able to attend independently without assistance from a parent including being toilet trained. There will be a combination of gymnasts, games, and crafts. We will also have a short popsicle break during camp. Students should bring a water bottle, snack and have a change of clothes with them in the event of an accident. Camp will begin at 9:00 and pick up is at 11:30. All parents must check their child in and out of camp each day with a staff member.
MGC is licensed by the board of health and complies with regulations of the Mass Dept. of Public Health. Parents may request to see a copy of MGC Summer Camp’s written policies on staff background checks, health care, discipline and grievance procedures upon request. Please contact the Camp director at 781 740-8748
1/2 Day- $190/ Week- 8:30-11:00