SPRING SESSION- March 17th-June 14th
*All current students are given priority to register for their current class in the spring session but must pay their tuition by February 15th.
February 1st-February 15th
*All current session students should watch for an email about priority registration
*To reregister for spring session current students must simply log into their accounts and pay their spring tuition. Please Note: You do NOT have to enroll in the class again you are ALREADY enrolled.
*If you require a class change please pay for your current class and email patrickpalmer@massgymnastics.com to request the schedule change
*Open enrollment for NEW STUDENTS for the Spring Session will begin the Monday after February Vacation, February 24th with the system opening at 6am.
*GOLDSTAR STUDENTS (students that pay monthly tuition) DO NOT NEED TO TAKE ANY ACTION as they are enrolled until the end of the school year.